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About Me

Artist, Thinker, Creative Doer

How I am

Born in Sardinia in 1985 I always been a very curious guy.

At 8 I disassembled and reassembled my first computer. Then I put it in the trash.

Coming to choose a school that that mirrored my interests I chose the ITIS (Istituto Tecnico Industriale) where I can grow my passion for technology and IT.

At the same time I was attracted from photography and graphic design.

At age of 12 I create my first website and, during the time, I create more than one.

This gave me the oppotunity to improve my skills with graphic design softwares that today permit me to have in charge the support for the core business unit of the company where I work and to be the reference to create some graphics documentation for my dept.

I move from Sardinia to Lombardia at 23 when I start to work in television envoirment.

Here I grow as worker and a family man.

In 2013 I married to Manuela.

In 2016 was born our first child Edoardo and, in the same day after 3 years was born our little Ginevra Linda.


What I Do

System Engineer

During all my carrer I work on IT at 360 degrees. This has permit me to learn a lot and improve my technical skills on the field.


The passion for design and photography has give me the chance to learn the use of the most popular design software in order to use it and to solve the issues related to them. For this reason in my current position I am the principal reference for the support of Design dept.

Team working

In all my jobs I bringed my experience as a value for the team. Always my approach is to share my knowledge with all my colleagues to improve the work and workflows.


I am a smart worker and in some situations I had try to implement new solutions to improve the organisation and to create a fast and automated way for some routine works with success. So in a new job I give my contribution to create a better work and a better way to do it, if possible.
